This template is referred for organization or community which has complex structure and has multiple members in various background. Membership Database Management is ms access templates for recording the membership in an organization.It has fine field as the feature if a member late or not return the book. The menus are Books as master menu, Members, Borrow as transaction menu, Return, and lastly report for displaying the borrow report. Book Library Database is microsoft access 2010 template for managing the book and the book borrowing.It can be implemented with another template. This access database templates can be used for analyzing employee KPI. It is completed with tax calculation, overtime hours, late hours. Aside for employee record, it has vacation menu for their absence record. This template, like its name is for HRD in small or big company. HRD Employee Salary and Training Database is access templates for determining the employee salary.You can implement this microsoft access templates along with another template. The last menu will generate the visit report which can be used for analyzing patient health or creating their medical report. Like its name, the main purpose is for recording the hospital patients, doctors, and visit or check up date and result.